Stewart Fleming

Stewart Fleming stands at the forefront of artistic and entrepreneurial excellence, embodying the quintessence of resilience, innovation, and leadership. With a vibrant history of founding and steering over 30 businesses to success, Stewart's repertoire spans the dynamic worlds of performance coaching, event management, and cutting-edge digital registries. At the heart of his ventures lies Performance Studios, a sanctuary where singers and business minds alike are sculpted into their best versions. Stewart's journey is a testament to the power of harmonizing passion with purpose, fear with fortitude. His life's work illuminates the path for aspiring artists, offering them not just the tools to navigate their careers but the wisdom to transform every challenge into a stepping stone. For singers poised to embrace their full potential, Stewart Fleming is not just a mentor; he is the beacon that guides them through the storm, ensuring they emerge not just unscathed but triumphant.


Wendy Parr


Tim Friedlander