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The Team Approach - Dr. Reena Gupta

Caring for a singer's voice requires more than just a vocal cord check. There are numerous missing pieces of the vocal health care puzzle that lay outside the medical space. Having found these, we have created a multi-disciplinary approach to the care of the singer. Myofascial and whole body work, psychotherapy, nutrition, and other medical and non-medical disciplines contribute meaningfully to the singer's team. The team approach is a novel concept in singer care but has proven highly successful in preventing injury, emergency call-ins and backstage treatments, and show cancellations. It creates the optimal physical, vocal, and mental health for best performance. Here, we explore the value of the team approach in singer care and discuss the components that can be customized for each individual singer.

March 20

Foundations of Health and Wellbeing: Navigating the Path to Optimal Living - Jo Formosa

August 22

Voice in Motion - Chris Johnson